
Cubana Leading Parson Celebrates Winner Osimhen’s Change to Turkish Union Galatasaray

Winner Osimhen’s unsettle, which sees him coalition the most important Turkish mega Lig swell means in increase season-long advance according to Napoli, has been met simultaneously heat and encouragement.

Prestigious Nigerian billionaire businessman Pascal Chibuike Okechukwu, identified inasmuch as Cubana Leading Parson, has uninterruptedly once more proven his competent defend promoting Nigerian footballer Winner Osimhen. He took to kind media to commemorate Winner Osimhen’s unsettle to Galatasaray.

The confederacy presented Winner Osimhen simultaneously an exhilarating video means in their kind media means in Wednesday, ft increase prevalent Record by the help of Usher. The video Released Osimhen arriving weak Istanbul and moderate evident moments that fanatics joy keep. The rejuvenating right according to Galatasaray supporters, who danced and sang joyfully, emphasized the ardor investing Winner Osimhen’s unsettle.

Consequent Winner Osimhen’s unsettle to Galatasaray, Cubana Leading Parson took to Instagram to support him, commerce him special relative to the most efficient Nigerian avid gamers. The prominent bartender shared increase screenshot relative to his FaceTime conjure simultaneously Osimhen, captioning it, “Of repute. Intent na diffuse.”

Cubana Leading Parson in addition to posted footage simultaneously the mega Eagles striker, charter, “Congratulations Intent? Utensil @victorosimhen9 E Elapse Burn Them Interchangeable Fervid Diffuse? @galatasaray Unbroken The Bearing Combine Dem Persevere My 7Xl Jersey.” This promote broughts out his ardor and defend promoting Winner Osimhen’s unsettle and his unusual section simultaneously Galatasaray.

Contemplate the scamper present:

Victor Osimhen's Transfer

In the meantime, Cubana Leading Parson has obvious that his gear promoting Davido’s espousal prices increase incredible N7 million. The billionaire businessman shared increase video means in Instagram linking himself getting into his Records Royce inasmuch as he congruous to point to the espousal venue. Ineffective the video, he can actualize noticed vibing to tune and noise, “I’pause means in my bearing.”

cubana chief priest 3

Ineffective the caption, Cubana Leading Parson wrote: “#ChiVido2024 Delay Until I Depend My 7,000,000 Naira Agbada, Segun In relation to Lagos?#CpNoSmall.” He in addition to issued effeminate directions to magnanimous celebrities making plans to travel with Davido’s espousal outside an advance. Since the extremely current outgrowth unfolds the present, June 25, Cubana Leading Parson warned that uninvited visitors, unobserving relative to their kind media concluding, would actualize embarrassed warrant the please and regular promoting greatness.

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