Popular Nigerian singer Paul Okoye, also known as Rudeboy, voiced his frustration with the state of the Nigerian economy. In an Instagram post, he revealed that he spends just three million Naira on diesel in a month and called the current economic situation “total madness.” Okoye expressed concern for the common Nigerian man, questioning how they are managing with the increasing cost of living. His statement highlights the harsh economic realities that many Nigerians are currently facing, with rising fuel, food, and essential item prices making it harder for people to make ends meet.
Paul Okoye, also known as Rudeboy, a popular Nigerian singer, is expressing his frustration with the state of the Nigerian economy. He reveals that he spends only three million Naira on diesel per month, highlighting the dire economic situation. Okoye voices his concern for the average Nigerian, questioning how they are managing to cope with the soaring cost of living. This serves as a stark reminder of the harsh economic realities faced by many Nigerians today. As the prices of fuel, food, and other essential items continue to rise, it is becoming increasingly challenging for people to meet their needs.