
Title suggestion: “Conversation Between Angel and Ike Sparks Reactions Among Big Brother Naija All Stars Viewers”

“I will make sure she doesn’t win” Ike discuss his plan to distract his ex, Mercy Eke with Angel Smith
Title suggestion Conversation Between Angel and Ike Sparks Reactions Among

In a recent conversation between Angel and Ike on Big Brother Naija, they discussed their fears about two former winners returning to the show. Ike expressed shock at seeing the winners back and stated that he has no problem with his ex, Mercy, but sees her as a threat. He mentioned not wanting to cross any lines with her. Angel shared her thoughts on how she would handle the situation if she were Mercy, stating that she would nominate Ike every week. Ike responded by saying he would form alliances to take her down and ensure she doesn’t win, despite her strong fan base.

Reactions have been sparked among the viewers of Big Brother Naija All Stars due to a conversation between Angel and Ike.

During the recent hours before noon, Ike and Angel bonded and talked about their concerns regarding how Biggie brought two winners back to the show.


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Angel expressed panic that Mercy or Whitemoney may come out victorious, and she asked Ike how he feels about his ex. Ike, who was hurt, gave a clear view of what he was going to do to prevent his ex from winning.

Their conversation;

Ike: I was shocked seeing two former winners here, no way. I’m sorry, they wouldn’t win this money again. I have no problem with her (Mercy) but I know she’s a threat

Angel: so you guys won’t talk?

Ike: Obviously not now, maybe later. She’s the kind of person that would take advantage if you let her. We can just be cool. So we won’t cross that line again…

Ike: I have a feeling that Mercy wanted to nominate me and I don’t know why.

Angel: Well if I were her and my ex is in the house, I would nominate you every week

Ike: If she tries anything funny, I will form alliances and we will take her down. I will make sure she doesn’t win. Her fans have money, they will vote tirelessly

Angel: I think she’s very strong, even if nominated she still won’t go and I also think she might win the show.


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