
Title: “ Revolutionizing the East African Music Industry with Record-Breaking Growth and Powerful Partnerships”

Mdundo Sets the Stage for Explosive Growth and Exciting Partnerships in East Africa’s Thriving Music Scene
Title: "Mdundo com: Revolutionizing the East African Music Industry with Record Breaking

African music service has announced its plans for expansion, innovation, and success in the East African entertainment industry. The company aims to increase its monthly active users from 26 million to 35 million, a growth rate of 35%. also projects an annual revenue of NGN 2 billion to NGN 2.5 billion, with an average growth rate of 31%. The company has formed powerful partnerships with advertising agencies and local record labels, and is championing local talent in West Africa. is committed to providing accessible music for all and has ambitious goals for 2025., Africa’s leading music service, is making waves in the East African entertainment landscape with its annual guidance announcement. This vibrant company, boasting an impressive 8.8 million monthly active users across Nigeria and Ghana alone, is poised for an exciting phase of expansion, innovation, and success. Get ready to witness groundbreaking partnerships and value-driven initiatives that will revolutionize the music industry in the region.

Record-Breaking Growth and Financial Success is set to soar to new heights, targeting an awe-inspiring surge in monthly active users. The aim is to elevate the user count from an already impressive 26 million in the previous financial year to a staggering 35 million, showcasing an outstanding growth rate of 35%. Since its IPO in 2020, the company has experienced a remarkable seven-fold increase in monthly active users, cementing its position as the go-to music service in Africa.

Prepare to be amazed by the substantial increase in annual revenue as well. projects a range of NGN 2 billion to NGN 2.5 billion, demonstrating an average growth rate of 31%. This growth trajectory highlights the company’s commitment to financial progress and the exciting opportunities that lie ahead.

Martin Møller Nielsen, CEO at, expressed his enthusiasm, stating, “We are thrilled to unveil our annual guidance for the fiscal year 2023-24. Our focus on key markets, strategic partnerships, and user-centric initiatives has positioned us for exceptional growth and impact in the African music landscape. We are committed to connecting musicians, music enthusiasts, and industry partners while creating sustainable opportunities for the music industry in South Africa and beyond.”

Powerful Partnerships for Unmatched Impact has solidified its market position through strategic collaborations with key East African music industry players. Partnering with renowned advertising agencies like Saracen, Dentsu, and WPP-Scangroup, as well as influential local record labels including Kings Music, Black Market Records, Slide Digital, Sol Generation, Zeze Africa, Tamasha Records, Kaka Empire, has expanded its reach, enriched its music library, and connected with a diverse array of talented artists.

Empowering West African Musicians

Recognizing the immense talent and creativity within the West African music scene, provides a platform for local artists to showcase their work to a broader audience. With a whopping 44,000 Nigerian musicians and 12,000 Ghanaian musicians registered on the forum, is championing local talent and driving the growth of the music industry.

Accessible Music for All places great importance on accessibility and inclusivity. The platform optimizes its performance to cater to users with low to mid-end mobile devices and limited internet data consumption. By ensuring a seamless music streaming experience regardless of device specifications or data limitations, is committed to making music easily and legally available to all.

The Path to Success: A Vision for 2025 remains steadfast in its pursuit of ambitious goals set for 2025. The company aims to achieve a whopping 50 million monthly active users while operating with a positive EBITDA. To achieve this, will concentrate its efforts on key markets, including Nigeria, Kenya, Tanzania, Ghana, and South Africa. With a combined population of 422 million people, these markets present immense growth opportunities due to high internet penetration rates and robust economic development. also focuses on delivering value to users through collaborations with prominent telecommunications providers such as Vodacom, Airtel, and MTN. These partnerships offer unique music packages to a wide customer base of 185 million people across Tanzania, Nigeria, Ghana, and South Africa. Through these collaborations, we can navigate the challenges of low card penetration in Africa, providing our users with easier and more accessible ways to enjoy their favorite tunes. This strategic approach has greatly contributed to our continued growth and success in Africa’s vibrant music industry.


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