
Bahati’s Controversial View on Polygamy: Marrying One Woman Sends Men to Hell

Bahatis Controversial View on Polygamy Marrying One Woman Sends Men

Popular Kenyan cleric Bahati, also known as Kevin Kioko, recently expressed his belief that marrying only one woman will cause many men to go to hell. He argued that the Bible has never condemned polygamy and criticized Christian clerics who promote monogamy. Bahati believes that choosing to have only one wife is a potential barrier to entering heaven, referencing biblical figures like Solomon and David who had multiple wives. His controversial statements drew criticism from some civilians who accused him of being ignorant.

Kenyan veteran Cleric, Kevin Kioko, who is popularly known as Bahati, believes that marrying only one woman will result in many men going to hell.

He expressed this viewpoint during the “Men’s Corner” show with his colleague, Baite, while discussing polygamy.


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According to Bahati, the Bible has never condemned polygamy, and he finds it wrong for Christian clerics to condemn it and promote monogamy.

He further stated that choosing to marry only one woman would prevent many men from going to heaven.

His words:

“Why do pastors nowadays tell us to have only one wife? These pastors should show us in the Bible where God says we must have one wife.”

“I feel like choosing to have only one wife might prevent men from going to heaven. God allowed Solomon and David to have many wives, so why should we choose to have just one?”

Some people quickly criticized his view and accused him of ignorance.


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